Nice Things™️ for Front end devs with Storybook, Vite, Twig and Drupal

Time: Thursday 21st March 14:15-14:30
Room: Corinthian
Track: Web Tools & Complementary Technologies

Front end developers outside Drupal have lots of nice things:

* near instant reloading
* zero config setup for compiling sass/postcss to css
* zero config setup for transpiling Javascript
* component driven design with Storybook
* interaction testing.

For a long time it felt like these weren't possible with Drupal front-end development without secret sauce and workarounds or duplication of your markup between Drupal and a design system.

But with the release of Vite Plugin Twig Drupal everyone can have nice things with little effort.

In this lightning talk we will do a hands on demo of setting up a project for component driven design with Vite, Storybook and Twig.

You deserve nice things, and now you can have them!


Lee Rowlands
Lee (larowlan) has been contributing to Drupal for over 15 years ( Lee is a major Drupal 8/9/10 contributor, starting the #PatchADay campaign which saw him contribute one patch a day for almost two years. Lee is been part of the Drupal core committer team in the role of Framework Manager, a member of the Drupal security team and passionate about code quality. Lee has worked on several of Australia's largest Drupal sites during his nearly 12 years as a Senior Developer with one of Australia's oldest Drupal agencies: PreviousNext.