Make upgrading easier for your module users

Time: Wednesday 20th March 12:15-12:45
Room: Main Ballroom
Track: Drupal Development

The Drupal major version release cycle is every 2 years. There is a lot of frustration out there for users who find the process cumbersome and confusing.

As module maintainers, how do we make it easier for our users to upgrade?

In this session we discuss the various ways you can make life easier for users of your module upgrade through major version updates.

I will discuss:
* How to manage deprecations
* Composer dependency management
* Strategies for targeting Drupal core major version compatibility
* Config upgrades
* Automated tools to help the upgrade process

This session is intended for Drupal module developers who want to support multiple versions of Drupal core, and make the upgrade process easier for their module users.


Kim Pepper
Kim is Technical Director and Co-Founder of Australia's leading Drupal agency, PreviousNext. He is a core sub-system maintainer, and over the 15 years of involvement in the Drupal Community has spoken at local and international Drupal events.