Delving into Website Performance: A Journey from Browser to Web Server

Time: Wednesday 20th March 15:20-15:50
Room: Main Ballroom
Track: Drupal Development

In the realm of modern website development, website performance stands as a crucial metric. This session delves into the intricacies of website performance, exploring the factors that influence it and the scenarios in which it plays a pivotal role. The session embarks on a journey, tracing the path of website requests from the browser's initiation to the web server's response and back. Along this journey, we'll unravel the architectural underpinnings of website performance and uncover best practices to optimize performance. By the end of this session, you'll gain a deeper understanding of why website performance matters and how to elevate it to new heights.

In the session, the audience will find the answers to the below commonly asked questions:
- What are the entities that may be involved in the journey
- How are the requests and responses cached in different entities
- Where is my cached data from? Browser, CDN, Redis, Varnish, Drupal cache, Drupal db? Wait, what are these things?
- The conceptions that are used to invalidate the cache in different entities
- How can I debug?
- Why it is NOT OK to clear the cache and why my content is still not showing after clearing the cache?
- Is decoupled Drupal better in performance?
- In the end, what is the best practice in website performance with Drupal?


Joshua Li
I'm a website architect with 15 years of Drupal experience. I have been focusing on Drupal in the Australian public sector and being involved in the Australian Drupal community.