Components of a component

Time: Thursday 21st March 10:00-10:30
Room: Doric
Track: User Experience & Content

It’s just a list of links right… <ul><li><a …/></li></ul>... how hard can it be.

In this session we’ll talk about what goes into making a UI component available on, covering the business processes behind them and the technical implementation at a high level.

We’ll go into UI design and decision making, Editor experience, how we test various stages of the process, how we implement the components and the separation of content modelling from display and why it matters.

This talk is about ensuring the best outcome for the visitors to the website, improving the experience of our content editors, and doing it consistently. We'll specifically look at our 'link list' component which is one of 30+ components on the website.


Nathan ter Bogt
I've been working with Drupal since version 4 and held a number of roles at different places. Recently I've worked for Flight Centre and built a framework that was the basis for 20 sites, upgrading from one Drupal 7 multi-site to separate Drupal 8 instances, reusing code through composer. I now work for the Department of Customer Service, helping to provide a single customer experience.