Is generative AI the one UI to rule them all?

Time: Thursday 21st March 11:45-12:15
Room: Doric
Track: Drupal Development

Content silos in organisations occur for many reasons from governance and technology to acquisition. Though rarely are they an outcome of a tailored customer experience. Federated search has been the gold standard for the past decade in helping bridge across these silos but with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) emerging, generative AI and headless technology maybe the shiny new veneer of customer experience UIs.

At Acquia we've been exploring generative AI technology and how it could revolutionise how our customer experience works. In this presentation I'll show how these new AI components fit into an ecosystem of content silos with a headless veneer.


Josh Waihi
Josh has been building with Drupal since 2007. He's been a developer for agencies, a DBA for Drupal core, a technical advisor to governments, news & media and international sporting events, a director of product management at Acquia and now the head of an innovation unit at Acquia focused on creating a better customer experience across a suite of products and services.