Simplifying Structures: Exploring the Benefits of Drupal's Single Directory Component Approach

Time: Thursday 21st March 15:00-15:30
Room: Main Ballroom
Track: Drupal Development

In this session, we unravel the power and advantages of embracing Drupal's Single Directory Component Approach. The focus is on simplifying the complex web of structures in Drupal , and we'll explore how consolidating components into a single directory can be a game-changer for your projects.

Key Points:
1. Organizational Elegance:
- Discover how a unified directory structure brings order to the chaos, making it easier to locate and manage components.
- Illustrate the elegance of simplicity in code organization and its positive impact on project clarity.
2. Enhanced Maintainability:
- Explore how a streamlined structure facilitates efficient code maintenance, reducing the risk of errors and making updates more straightforward.
- Showcase real-world examples of projects that have benefited from improved maintainability.
3. Collaborative Development:
- Discuss the collaborative advantages of a single directory approach, fostering better teamwork among developers.
- Share insights on how a clear structure can enhance communication and streamline collaborative efforts.
4. Efficiency Gains:
- Highlight the efficiency gains achieved by adopting this approach, leading to faster development cycles and quicker project delivery.
- Provide practical tips on optimizing workflows for maximum efficiency.
5. Scalability Considerations:
- Delve into how a simplified structure sets the foundation for scalable Drupal projects.
- Discuss strategies for scaling projects seamlessly while maintaining code integrity.

- Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the benefits of Drupal's Single Directory Component Approach.
- Armed with practical insights, developers can immediately apply these concepts to enhance their Drupal projects.

Whether you're a seasoned Drupal developer or new to the framework, this session promises to shed light on a structural approach that can revolutionize the way you build and maintain Drupal applications.


Amey Mudras / Govind Kumar Malu
I am a Full stack Drupal developer having 11+ years of work experience. Currently working with Salsa Digital and prior to this was working with Acquia India. I am proud to be a Drupaler, active member of Drupal community and love to participate in CodeSprints, Drupal Camps etc. Apart from that i am a Acquia certified GrandMaster.

Additional speakersGovind Kumar Malu
Govind is a Technical Architect in Salsa Digital