DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - 13 June 2019

Monday 17th June

Meeting Date: 13 June 2019

In attendance: Chris Skene, Nicole Kirsch, Pam Barone, Thom Toogood, Owen Lansbury


  • Chris Skene nominated Owen Lansbury as Chair, seconded by Thom Toogood & Pam Barone. Owen will liaise with Linux Australia and the Drupal Association Board in this role.
  • Nicole Kirsch volunteered to be Treasurer and minute keeper
  • Thom Toogood & Pam Barone volunteered to be Code of Conduct contacts/officers
  • Chris Skene volunteered to be our representative on the Drupal Association Event Board alongside overseeing DS marketing and corporate engagement initiatives.
  • Thom Toogood volunteered to be the committee’s Government liaison
  • Pam Barone volunteered to be the committee’s Event liaison for the DrupalSouth organising teams and regional meetups.
  • Everyone to write a short blurb about their own expectations and responsibilities of their own roles for next meeting.


  • Thom & Nicole will liaise on NZ specific initiatives. E.g Auckland meetup, Common NZ Gov Web Platform.
  • Chris, Thom & Owen may attend DrupalCon Amsterdam privately. Likely to have at least one committee representative there.
  • Owen to turn proposal into a Committee Charter to be reviewed next meeting.


  • Discussion of staggered terms and need to either have committee members volunteer for 1.5 year or 2 year terms, or draw straws at next meeting.
  • Chris noted that the next election should be in late 2020 for the entire board, with the first 2 renewing or new candidates taking up seats around DrupalSouth Wellington.


  • Agreement that once per month is adequate for now.
  • Note that the next meeting should be the first open one to community observers.

Linux Australia Financing:

  • Nicole to connect with Russell from LA to establish protocols around budget management, bank accounts etc.
  • Ideally move to a single bank account across all activities.
  • Need a formalised process around accessing retained profits for additional initiatives.

Hobart 2019:

  • Pam to liaise with Campbell Tilley on event progress and need for any additional assistance.
  • Pam to set up regular reporting from Campbell on event progress and facilitate assistance as might be required.
  • Event website scheduled to go live ASAP. Some delays with theming that will likely hold things up.

Canberra 2018 Videos:

  • Stuck on a hard drive and need minor editing and exporting.
  • Owen volunteered to take this on. Chris to post HD to him.
  • Discussion about standardising on one vendor for future DS events. E.g. https://nextdayvideo.com