In attendance: Chris Skene, Owen Lansbury, Nicole Kirsch
Unable to attend: Pamela Barone, Thom Toogood
Hobart 2019:
The committee caught up with the organisers and it’s all running smoothly
Early bird tickets and Call for Papers are out
Additional sponsors were confirmed last week
We talked through a draft budget, focusing on income, event costs, running costs, grants and marketing expenses
The first purchase will be a GSuite licence (Chris)
Nicole to check with Russell and clarify if the Linux AU fee is post or pre GST and discuss how purchases should get processed
A longer workshop is scheduled for late August or early September to work out highest priority initiatives.
DrupalGov 2020:
Thom to follow up on discussions with govCMS and Vic SDP about running DrupalGov in Canberra in 2020 for people that can’t attend DrupalSouth 2020
Chris to put clearer detail around event organisers’ reporting requirements for Steering Committee into handbook.
Organise a meeting with Meetup organisers to discuss how Meetups can be improved
Nicole found out the Common NZ Gov Web Platform (CWP) is renewed every 2 years. The current term ends on 16 September 2020 (