DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - August 1, 2019

Friday 9th August

In attendance:  Chris Skene, Owen Lansbury, Nicole Kirsch

Unable to attend: Pamela Barone, Thom Toogood 

Hobart 2019:

  • The committee caught up with the organisers and it’s all running smoothly

  • Early bird tickets and Call for Papers are out  

  • Additional sponsors were confirmed last week


  • We talked through a draft budget, focusing on income, event costs, running costs, grants and marketing expenses

  • The first purchase will be a GSuite licence (Chris) 

  • Nicole to check with Russell and clarify if the Linux AU fee is post or pre GST and discuss how purchases should get processed 

  • A longer workshop is scheduled for late August or early September to work out highest priority initiatives.

DrupalGov 2020:

  • Thom to follow up on discussions with govCMS and Vic SDP about running DrupalGov in Canberra in 2020 for people that can’t attend DrupalSouth 2020


  • Chris to put clearer detail around event organisers’ reporting requirements for Steering Committee into handbook.