Friday 30th April
Attendees: Janna Malikova, Chris Skene, Dave Sparks, Owen Lansbury, Kristy de Vries, Nicole Ritchie
DrupalSouth 2021 shorts
- Nicole Sterling is confirmed (Stirling Marketing) was selected as the events organiser and planning commenced
- Kick-off meeting to be scheduled to brainstorm
- Ideas
- Format
- Dates
- An even landing page will be created in the next few weeks
- Volunteers applications received and it was decided we will work out the event format before getting back to them
- Dave and Nicole proposed a new sponsorship format for future events
- The committee to provide feedback before the next meeting
Website proposals
- We received 2 proposals
- We will review the proposals before the next committee meeting
Career Pathways
- Kristy joined us with an update from the working group
- The working group drafted a survey to be sent out to org-leaders in the coming weeks
- The working group offered to potentially help out with the website refresh as a mini project for a junior developer