Wednesday 30th June
Attendees: Dave Sparks, Owen Lansbury, Nicole Ritchie, Kristy de Vries
DrupalSouth 2021 feedback for Block 1 - Executive Online Roundtable
- A blogpost will be published in the next couple of weeks
- 15 attendees
- The event went well and we received good feedback
- Marketing on Linkedin was successful and we will setup a DrupalSouth profile going forward
DrupalSouth 2021: Block 2 and 3
- Series of 2 events:
- Late August and November
- 1 ticket for both
- Round tables worked really well
- We discussed possible formats and topics
- Weekly meetings with the event manager are ongoing
- We will release a survey in the next couple of weeks to get feedback from the community
DrupalSouth 2022 update
- Hard to get insurance during Covid and the border situation is still unstable
- Need to talk to Alex and team and make a call in the near future
Career Pathways
- Survey to go out to agencies regarding internship
- A teacher joining the Brisbane Meetups is interested to introduce students to agencies that are hiring
- Drupalcamp in Brisbane
- Vladimir looking at organising another DrupalCamp in Brisbane
- More details to be confirmed
- DrupalSouth website redevelopment
- Design and style guide finalised
- Handover to Kristy and Vladimir to come up with a plan and timeline to involve interns/volunteers