DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - March 4, 2021

Thursday 1st April

Attendees: Janna Malikova, Chris Skene, Dave Sparks, Owen Lansbury, Kristy de Vries, Nicole Ritchie

Career Pathways

  • Kristy joined us with an update from the working group. 
  • The working group drafted a survey to be sent out to org-leaders in the coming weeks. 
  • The working group offered to potentially help out with the website refresh as a mini project for a junior developer. 

DrupalSouth 2021 shorts

  • The event organiser EOI selection process has started and the committee will meet next week to discuss the proposals received.
  • A call for volunteers will go out next week. Submissions must be received by 11:50pm AEDT on Friday March 12
  • Dave and Nicole are working on a sponsor prospectus.
  • Dave will be the event liaison for the organisers. 


  • We discussed the different sponsorship options for Meetups groups and Module maintainers.
  • We will pull together guidelines in the coming weeks. 
  • Meanwhile Meetup organisers can submit receipts to be reimbursed.

DrupalSouth website 

  • EOI Selection process for the website refresh is in progress.
  • Jana will be the website redesign liaison.

DrupalSouth Wellington

  • Postponed to March 2022.
  • We will have another September checkpoint to decide if the in-person event will go ahead