DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - October 7, 2021

Thursday 7th October

Attendees: Dave Sparks, Owen Lansbury, Nicole Ritchie, Janna Malikova

DrupalSouth Shorts 

  • November event all set
  • Good number of attendees and speakers 
  • Budget looking good and we'll be making a profit 
  • Average ticket price was $115
  • Sold 135 tickets, rest was sponsors and speakers
  • Slightly modified format for the November event
  • Feedback for future events: 
    • It was great to have an event manager although Dave and Owen also invested a lot of time organising the 2021 events
    • For the next event we'll need a dedicated organising team
    • Deduct audience research prior to the next event
    • Stay in touch with the audience outside of the events and send regular comms

DrupalSouth Wellington 

  • Cancelled Te Papa without any financial penalties
  • Note for future events > check cancellation policy

DrupalCamp in February 

  • Organised by Vladimir 


  • Brisbane looking for new venue

Website re-design 

  • Module cleanup and housekeeping are complete - all unnecessary modules were uninstalled/removed
  • After a data structure review it was decided to keep the same structure with minor changes related to specific event content e.g. custom event menu was removed
  • Just started on theming, planned to finish by late next week. Base theme was updated from Bootstrap4 to Bootstrap5
  • Stage environment was created and will be sent to committee up for review late next week
    estimated go live date: first week of November