Monday 16th October
In attendance: Dave, Chris, Michael, Julia, Marge
Meeting points:
- DrupalSouth Community Day 2023:
- Submissions are closed and the schedule is being finalised - looking to publish by Sunday 22 October.
- All 8 presentation slots will be filled (4 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon).
- The response (via ticket sales) has been better than expected.
- (and because of this) - Investigating a simple sign up form for an even distribution of audience members across sessions.
- DrupalSouth Sydney 2024
- Ticket sales likely to open on Wednesday 18 October.
- Event being promoted at DrupalCon Lille 2023.
Next meeting:
- 6 November 2023
If you would like to be invited to a DrupalSouth Committee Meeting to observe, contact