DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - 16 May 2024

Thursday 16th May

In attendance: Dave, Chris, Marge, Julia and special guest Karl!

Meeting points:

  • DrupalBooth:
    • A number of events have been flagged to attend, including TechInGov and EduTech.
    • Karl and Marge have registered interest in being at the TechInGov booth (in Canberra) pending sponsorship and their availability.
    • Decision to be made before 1 June 2024.
  • DrupalSouth Melbourne 2025
    • Venues and quotes are well underway, with a city venue in mind. 
    • Likely to be March or April 2025.
  • Outreach to local Drupal organisers
    • Marge to contact local meetup organisers across AU/NZ in reply to a request from Tim Doyle from the Drupal Association to connect with organisers.
  • DrupalSouth committee elections
    • The current committee members to plan out processes over the next two months.
    • Start promotion in July, voting in September, announcements in October.

Next meeting:

  • Scheduled for Tuesday 11 June 2024, however may change due to committee member prior commitments. 
  • If you would like to be invited to a DrupalSouth Committee Meeting to observe, contact chair@drupalsouth.org