DrupalSouth Steering Committee Minutes - 8 July 2024

Thursday 11th July

In attendance: Dave, Chris, Marge and Julia, and special guest Karl

Apologies: Mike

Meeting points:

  • Sponsorship Webinar to be held by committee members Thursday 11 July 2024.
  • DrupalSouth Melbourne 2025
    • Venues being assessed, nothing locked in yet.
  • DrupalSouth Community Day: 
    • Around 70% of respondents saying they'd turn up regardless of constraints (time/money).
    • Around 50% said they were interested in presenting a session.
    • Around 45% said they were interested in helping coordinate or help on the day.
    • Topics - in order of 25% or more:
      1. Case studies (64%)
      2. Government collaboration (47%)
      3. Startshot (47%)
      4. Development - intermediate/advanced (41%)
      5. GovCMS specific (35%)
      6. New features (35%)
      7. Security (35%)
      8. Drupal community contribution (29%)

Next meeting:

  • Scheduled for Monday 12 August 2024, however may change due to committee member prior commitments. 
  • If you would like to be invited to a DrupalSouth Committee Meeting to observe, contact chair@drupalsouth.org