Monday 9th September
In attendance: Dave, Marge, Mike, Julia, Chris and special guest Karl
Meeting points:
- DrupalSouth Community Day 2024:
- Linux Australia approved event.
- Sponsors were quickly to come on board.
- Tickets are selling quickly.
- 25% of tickets were sold within 24 hours.
- Well over 50% of tickets have been sold (about two weeks in), including 65% of government allocated tickets.
- Volunteers - many people have been coming forward to offer assistance. While the form is still open to accepting volunteers, we have enough people to share the work already.
- Speakers - A number of people have submitted their presentation ideas. This is currently open until 22 September.
- DrupalSouth Melbourne 2025:
- Narrowed down to a final venue.
- Expecting approval to run on Wednesday 11 September.
- Date in mid March.
- DrupalSouth committee elections:
- Planning to get underway in September 2024.
- Nomination form to be published in September.
- Voting in October/November.
Next meeting:
- Scheduled for Monday 14 October 2024, however may change due to committee member prior commitments.
- If you would like to be invited to a DrupalSouth Committee Meeting to observe, contact