My background and history with Drupal:
I've been a Drupal teacher and contributor to Drupal for over the decade (code, documentation, volunteering).
Why I'm running as a candidate:
I would like to continue my work as Drupal advocate on behalf of DrupalSouth. Projects include
- Drupal in academia (local colleges and universities) by means of Drupal events and trainings.
- Drupal at other events such as Linux conferences, DDD conferences, GovHack.
Why you should vote for me:
You should vote for me if you agree with the following:
- Drupal project needs fresh audience including students and graduates
- I want to see more Drupal being taught in the colleges and universities
- I want other communities and events to know about Drupal
Anything else voters should know?
I am Drupal Association Board Election 2023 Candidate: