Victoria Spagnolo

I'm a relative new comer to Drupal who returned to coding after raising the children until they were in their late teens. That made for an interesting learning curve! I volunteered with an NGO that uses Drupal/Civicrm for a few years but wasn't enjoying the management and user support required. At Drupal South 2014 I was actively looking for something that piqued my interest. I found it at chx's presentation on migrate. I then started to learn how to work on core migrate issues while resigning from my other obligations. With the support of everyone in #drupal-migrate I started to make mistakes and eventually contributions. Some time later (I must have been doing something right) I was invited to be a maintainer for migrate, and I'm still here! And through that work I am became employed at Acro Media Inc. who pay me to do migrate. That is so cool!