Managing emergencies with cutting edge technology
Time: Wednesday 12th March 12:15-12:45
Room: Cinema 2
Track: Web Tools & Complementary Technologies
More and more regularly, SES units around Victoria and around Australia are getting large numbers of requests for assistance in a short period of time. When that happens, how do volunteers and the staff that support them manage to keep track of things, prioritise, monitor and general communicate among themselves? The current answer to this question might surprise you. So might work being done to provide Victoria SES and other emergency service organisations around the country with cutting edge technology. Come and hear how one SES volunteer is working to combine Drupal, websockets, QR codes, Bluetooth, NFC and more to rewrite how large scale emergencies are managed.
Nigel Cunningham
Nigel has been a professional web developer for more than ten years, and a contributor to Open Source software for more than 20 years. He describes himself as compulsively useful, and loves a good challenge.
When not working on software, Nigel spends time with his family and volunteers in his local SES unit.
When not working on software, Nigel spends time with his family and volunteers in his local SES unit.