DrupalSouth 2025 schedule

DrupalSouth 2025


Welcome to Melbourne

We hope you enjoy your visit to Melbourne. 
Guides to the city, venue and accomodation.


Tuesday, 11 March

09:00 - 15:00 💻 Contribution Day sponsored by PreviousNext.
Venue: Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne (Opposite Queen Vic Market)
15:15 - 17:15 Varnish for Drupal developers: the hands-on workshop \ Thijs Feryn
Venue: Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne (Opposite Queen Vic Market)
18:00 - 22:00 Agency Leaders Dinner
Invitation only (Managed by Ironstar)


Wednesday, 12 March



Room Foyer
08:00 Registration
Room Cinema 1
09:00 Welcome to country

Official welcome

Group photo

09:20 Humanizing technology/ Keynote / Nicola Nye
10:05 💬 Break
  Cinema 1 Cinema 2 Swinburne
10:15 10:15 - Cinema 1 Varnish for Drupal developers [40 mins] / Drupal Development / Thijs Feryn (Varnish) 10:15 - Cinema 2 Getting Started on the AI Journey / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Joseph Chin (Self-employed) 10:15 - Swinburne Dude, where's my users? / User Experience & Content / Emily Mills (Pragma Partners)
10:45 Morning Tea
11:15 11:15 - Cinema 1 Ready, Set, Drupal: Simplifying Development with Feature Recipes / Drupal Development / Richard Gaunt (Salsa Digital) 11:15 - Cinema 2 Automating Attendance: How Georgia Tech Built an RFID Check-In System in Drupal / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Jimmy Kriigel (Georgia Institute of Technology) 11:15 - Swinburne How inclusive can your documents get? / User Experience & Content / Adrian Redman (Department of Social Services)
12:00 Room change
12:15 12:15 - Cinema 1 Building the experience builder experience / Drupal Development / Lee Rowlands (PreviousNext) 12:15 - Cinema 2 Managing emergencies with cutting edge technology / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Nigel Cunningham (Self-employed) 12:15 - Swinburne AX: Turning your B2B tech strategy into content that converts / User Experience & Content / Felicity Brand (Open Strategy Partners)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 13:45 - Cinema 1 Avoiding CSS crime scenes - practical tips for maintainable styles. / Drupal Development / Tina Reymann (PreviousNext) 13:45 - Cinema 2 Automated AI Testing with Postman / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Michelle Parker (Master Builders Association of NSW) 13:45 - Swinburne Writing for Australian Government websites / User Experience & Content / Amber Henry (Morpht)
14:15 Room change
14:30 14:30 - Cinema 1 Building webform workflows using core workflows and webform workflows elements module / Drupal Development / Philip Joseph (Symphony3) 14:30 - Cinema 2 Drupal and the Open Web in the Australian Government - 2025 edition / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Sean Hamlin (amazee.io)

The Future of Web - Emerging Trends
A panel of thought leaders from some of Australia's leading digital agencies discuss the future trends of the web.

Closed session - by invitation only

15:00 Afternoon tea
15:20 15:20 - Cinema 1 Drupal & Firebase: Real-time Config & Content for Android & iOS Apps / Drupal Development / Daynis Olman (Seeing Machines) 15:20 - Cinema 1 Lead, Manage, Succeed: From Technical Lead to Drupal Project Manager / People & Culture / David Flores-Condezo (Morpht Pty Ltd)

The Future of Web - Emerging Trends
A panel of thought leaders from some of Australia's leading digital agencies discuss the future trends of the web.

Closed session - by invitation only

15:50 Room change
16:00 Cinema 1: :trophy: Splash Awards and Community Recognition sponsored By Ironstar
17:00 Networking drinks (concludes 8pm)
The Meadow, Beer DeLuxe, Federation Square

Thursday, 13 March


Room Foyer
08:00 Registration
08:30 Tea and coffee
Room Cinema 1
08:50 Introduction day 2
09:00 Sustaining Open Source Software: Tools For Change/ Keynote / Justin Warren
09:45 Room change
Rooms Cinema 1 Cinema 2 Swinburne
10:00 10:00 - Cinema 1 Transforming Drupal data workflows: An in-depth look at Data Pipelines and Search API / Drupal Development / Brynn Briedis (Pragma Partners) 10:00 - Cinema 2 Building a Versatile Design System for Pacific Data Hub: Bridging Drupal Themes and Headless Frontends / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Rox Flame (Xequals) 10:00 - Swinburne Mindful connections: enhancing mental health awareness in a remote work culture / People & Culture / Angela Rako (Salsa Digital)
10:30 Morning Tea
10:50 10:50 - Cinema 1 Launch your design system into hyperdrive with Starshot's Experience Builder / User Experience & Content / Thomas Peterson (Salsa Digital) 10:50 - Cinema 2 Hashes and Nonces and Violations, Oh My! Everything you need to know about Content Security Policy (CSP) / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Michael Strelan (PreviousNext) 10:50 - Swinburne Let's bring new people to Drupal! / People & Culture / Daniel Carvalhinho (Acquia)
11:20 Room change
11:30 11:30 - Cinema 1 My journey to becoming a Core maintainer [Lightning talk] / Drupal Development / Daniel Veza (PreviousNext) 11:30 - Cinema 2 Using generative tools to assist with software development [Lightning talk] / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Vladimir Roudakov (Tomato Elephant Studio) 11:30 - Swinburne Forming an AI strategy for a digital agency / People & Culture / Kurt Foster (Salsa Digital)
11:45 11:45 - Cinema 1 Object Oriented theming with Pinto [Lightning talk] / Drupal Development / Adam Bramley (PreviousNext) 11:45 - Cinema 2 The Pygmy Stack: The Little Docker Helper Tool That Could [Lightning talk] / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Karl Hepworth (Amazee.io)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 13:00 - Cinema 1 How Drupal Plays Its Role in Modern Enterprise Digital Architecture / Drupal Development / Weynham Zheng (CI&T) 13:00 - Cinema 2 Setup projects and onboard developers in minutes with Vortex / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Alex Skrypnyk (DrevOps) 13:00 - Swinburne DrupalSouth Steering Committee - Panel & Open Discussion / People & Culture /
13:30 Room change
13:40 13:40 - Cinema 1 Making a splash with an accessible, consistent design system / User Experience & Content / Melissa Coombs (Single Digital Presence, Department of Government Services) 13:40 - Cinema 2 Salsa Drupal Trivia / Sponsors session / (Salsa Digital) 13:40 - Swinburne Super-charging Drupal and GovCMS with ethical personalisation and content powered by Salesforce / User Experience & Content / Chris Dodds (ICON and Xenai)
14:10 Afternoon tea
14:30 14:30 - Cinema 1 Building digital experiences that align to Digital Service Standards / User Experience & Content / Paul Morriss (Salsa Digital) 14:30 - Cinema 2 How we modernised our frontend tooling using Vite and Storybook / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Jack Taranto (PreviousNext) 14:30 - Swinburne Two Suppliers, One Team: A case study on a collaborative Drupal project in the Digital Transformation of Catholic Schools NSW / People & Culture / Griffyn Heels (PreviousNext) & Joanne Paterson (Folk)
15:00 Room change
15:10 15:10 - Cinema 1 Unlocking GovCMS Personalization: Custom Metatags and Convivial Profiler in Action / User Experience & Content / Naveen Valecha (Morpht) 15:10 - Cinema 2 Deep Telemetry with eBPF and Rust / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Nick Schuch (PreviousNext) 15:10 - Swinburne Takeaways from teaching Drupal in college / People & Culture / Vladimir Roudakov (Tomato Elephant Studio)
15:40 Room change
15:50 Cinema 1: Closing remarks