Making a splash with an accessible, consistent design system

Time: Thursday 13th March 13:40-14:10
Room: Cinema 1
Track: User Experience & Content

We all know the benefits of design systems. But often once a design system is built it doesn’t change or people decide to create their own.
Ripple 2.0 is a design system for the Victorian Government. It creates an accessible and consistent visual user interface across all our digital products. This helps citizens trust they are visiting an official source of Victorian government information.
It was nominated for a 2024 Premier’s design award in the digital design category.
Find out how we built:
• a successful business case for the refactor of the design system
• a flexible, scalable design system used by multiple digital products across the Victorian government such as Drupal, Squiz Matrix CMS, Salesforce and ServiceNow
• over 50 websites from Ripple 1.0 to Ripple 2.0


Melissa Coombs
As a Product Designer with over 10 years’ experience, Mel uses her deep knowledge in UX, UI and accessibility to improve the user experience for Victorian citizens.
Currently working as the Senior UI Designer at Single Digital Presence (SDP), Mel contributes to SDP’s vision to make it easier to find and use Victorian Government information. She also uses her knowledge of design and colour as a crocheter and craft enthusiast.
Additional speakersKate Faulkner is a big design nerd with a love of data, automation and systems thinking.
She has over 7 years’ experience designing complex products and websites for enterprise businesses/government, and over 12 years working in the production and development of web based digital products. Kate asks questions in order to transform the complex tasks users face into delightful user experiences.