Building webform workflows using core workflows and webform workflows elements module

Time: Wednesday 12th March 14:30-15:00
Room: Cinema 1
Track: Drupal Development

Webform is an extremely powerful native digital form builder for Drupal and can be used to create simple feedback forms to extremely complex multi page works request forms. Building digital workflows are a very common and growing need to help move away from paper based approvals.

This session will cover how to build simple workflows for webform submission:

- Building the workflow using core Drupal workflows module
- Attaching the workflow to a Drupal webform
- Configuring the workflows webform element
- Managing permissions for workflow access
- Setting up workflow emails

I'll also run through some lessons learnt on building workflows and the work that we've done with integrating Active Directory and manager hierarchies with the workflows module.

By the end of the session, the participant should learn how to build a form with a 3 step workflow attached.

This will not cover the basics of building a webform.

// Not sure which track this goes into.


Philip Joseph
Hey, I’m Philip Joseph, originally from the south of India, now based in Melbourne. After completing my Master’s in Information Systems at the University of Melbourne, I joined Symphony3, a digital consulting firm in the city. Over the past seven years, I’ve primarily focused on working with Drupal, supporting local governments across Australia with site building, Drupal content training, webform development, and implementing CiviCRM as a primary CRM solution for non-profits.