Build Your Own Mailchimp in Amazon SES

Time: Wednesday 17th May 10:15-10:45
Room: Track 1
Track: Web Tools & Technologies

Have you ever wanted to implement your own subscription and email templating system using Amazon Web Service's Simple Email Service? Me neither, but here we are. In this talk I'll go through the requirements that Land Information NZ (LINZ) gave us and how we shifted their custom Drupal 7 + Mailchimp mailing solution into Drupal 9 + Amazon SES.

I'll cover how to integrate Amazon SES into Drupal with webforms, build a queue system to handle high-volume mailing lists, the challenges we faced, hard limitations the AWS API has, and being able to contribute back to Drupal's open source community.

[The session is a mix of Drupal Development, Web Tools & Technologies, and Showcases, but the focus will be on developer-y technical things.]


Dieuwe de Boer
I'm a Senior Developer at Sparks Interactive and 2nd generation Drupaler for nearly 12 years. I enjoy working on many of New Zealand's most interesting Drupal sites. I live in Auckland with my wife and our three kids.
Additional speakersNone.