SEO + Web core vitals + Drupal: a 360o view on the metrics that matter

Time: Thursday 18th May 11:45-12:15
Room: Track 1
Track: User Experience & Content

SEO and web core vitals (WCV) go hand in hand and are usually an afterthought with most projects. Improvements in these areas early on in your project can have a significant impact on your bottom line, especially if you have an e-commerce type website or a website that relies heavily on organic traffic.
I’ll outline some easy tips and tools on how to improve your WCV and SEO.
I’ll cover:
Early decisions with devastating impacts
Tools/Libraries you can use for testing
Important metrics to analyse
Implementation strategies


Shivan Jaikaran
Shivan has 17+ years of Drupal experience as a developer and tech lead. He specialises in documentation and search engine optimisation (SEO). He also has extensive experience as the official GovCMS trainer running courses such as the Site Builder and Content Administration courses.
Shivan currently works at Salsa Digital as the Drupal Training and Documentation Specialist and Senior Drupal Engineer.