GovCMS Deep Dive into content sharing at scale

Time: Thursday 18th May 11:00-11:30
Room: Track 2
Track: User Experience & Content

Last year at DrupalSouth I spoke about GovCMS emerging from Covid and kickstarting a wave of new initiatives to make Digital Experience Platform (DXP) tools available to agencies who wanted to personalise and develop a stronger user experience on their Drupal sites. That work is now in its final stages with tenders currently being evaluated.

Today’s session is a more focused deep dive on specific aspects of DXP and content that are most compelling to a whole of government implementation on GovCMS. We will discuss the business, security and technical challenges that we will be seeking to solve, iterate and roll out over the next 12 months and how the Drupal community can participate and contribute.


Sharyn Clarkson
Sharyn has 25 years experience leading large scale digital transformation and innovation for governments in NZ and Australia. AKA as the mother of GovCMS, she has guided the platform through its creation and the many iterations since. She likes to make impossible things happen and deliver services that customers love.
Additional speakersAlistair O’Neill, Technical Product Owner GovCMS