DrupalSouth Community Day 2023 Schedule

The day is shaping up to look like this:



Advanced dev - modern/headless

Max will lead a discussion catering to the level of knowledge in the room about headless approaches including but not limited to:

  • APIs available with Drupal
  • A bit of detail about my personal favourite: graphQL
  • What makes headless a good choice for a project (not every project)
  • Various frontend technologies including React, Vue, Angular, and some of the newer generation like Next and Remix
  • Build systems like Vite and webpack
  • The difference between frontend-only frameworks and those that need their own backend
Audience requirements:
  • No prior knowledge


  • A headless drupal project on your own laptop to share (be prepared for feedback)

CivicTheme design system for Drupal 10

CivicTheme is an open source, inclusive and component-based 'true design system'. It was created so governments and organisations can rapidly assemble modern, consistent and compliant digital experiences for its audiences. Based on atomic design, the design system includes 60 WCAG 2.1 compliant components, as both Figma visual design UI library and exactly matched codified Drupal functional components, out of the box.

CivicTheme has been recognised as part of the Digital Transformation Agency’s Australian Government Architecture (AGA) and is optimised to work on GovCMS SaaS Drupal website projects.

Today we'll run 3x 20-40min sessions for Technical and Non-technical audiences to learn what CivicTheme is, how to install it and how to contribute to the open source project.

Session #1: What is CivicTheme design system

Duration: 30 min

Presenter: Akhil Bhandari

Session outline:

  • What is CivicTheme design system and how to use in Drupal projects from Design to Build

  • Working with CivicTheme Figma design files

  • QnA - Ask us anything about: CivicTheme

Audience: Non-Technical

Session #2: How to work with and install a CivicTheme project

Duration: 40 min

Presenter: Alex Skrypnyk

Session outline:

  • How a CivicTheme project works

  • How to install a CivicTheme project 

  • Demo of a typical installation

  • QnA - Ask us anything about: CivicTheme installations

  • Bring your own laptops if you want to follow along

Audience: Technical

Session #3: How to contribute to the CivicTheme open-source project

Duration: 20 min

Presenter: Akhil Bhandari and Alex Skrypnyk

Session outline:

  • How to contribute to the CivicTheme open-source project

  • Open to the floor - nominate practical topics / features that could be added to the CivicTheme roadmap

Audience: Non-Technical


Contributing to Drupal

Fostering a culture of open source contribution is essential for any organisation that relies on Drupal.
This workshop will draw on our experiences at PreviousNext in becoming one of the world's leading Drupal contributors whilst remaining a small, independent company. It will delve into the culture, policies and processes that can be applied to any organisation to put open source contribution at the core of your operations and the immense benefits that it brings to your team and productivity.
Audience requirements:
  • No prior knowledge

ECA deep dive. Rules replacement for Drupal 10.

ECA is a collection of modules and libraries for defining business rules via graphical user interface in Drupal.

ECA is uniquely poised to be the long awaited replacement for popular Drupal 7 rules.

Growing user base and vast library of predefined solutions for the most common business rules is setting the arena for the great user experience.


Part 1.

  • Introduction to ECA
  • ECA structure and  building blocks
  • Building basic rules: events, conditions, actions

Part 2.

  • Introduction to complex rules
  • Rules import / export
  • Using help and rules library


No prior Drupal knowledge is required, however it is recommended that users will have content editing knowledge.

Bring your own laptop or tablet connected to the internet.


  • Pre-configured Drupal environment to follow the tutorial.
  • Training notes and presentation links.
Audience requirements:
  • No prior knowledge
  • Own laptop

Future roadmap including AI

Get hands on with generative AI

This session will provide a practical introduction to generative AI systems such as ChatGPT and will demonstrate how they can be leveraged in Drupal. This session will be hands on - participants will be given access to a demo Drupal site where they can build their own integrations to AI tools and expose them to editors via the UI. By the end of the session, participants should be aware of the possibilities and have a good insight as to how that can practically be introduced to Drupal.
An outline of the session is as follows:
  • Brief introduction to generative AI and relevance to CMS.
  • Brief introduction to the Augmentor module and the pricnples behind it.
  • Demonstration of a simple Augmentor in the editor interface.
  • Ideation session where particiapnts design an Augmentor for themselves.
  • Practical session
    • Getting everyone logged in
    • Walking through the Augmentor interface
  • Troubleshooting help will be available in a slack channel and also via Zoom
  • Demonstration of some of the Augmentors which have been created.
  • Recap of what was done and discussion of some of the findings.
Hopefully we will come up with some interesting things together!
Audience requirements:
  • No prior knowledge
  • Own laptop

Onboarding a new PaaS Site

Let's take a tour around a vanilla GovCMS PaaS setup. This talk is targetted the team  that has been delivered a fresh new PaaS site, but will have a lot of value for existing PaaS developers and teams, and also can help evaluators understand some of the technical (application level) the differences between GovCMS SaaS and PaaS.

This talk is not endorsed by Finance and only discusses open source components.

Audience requirements:

  • Basic understanding about setting up a Drupal site

Preparing for content migrations

Share back experiences for site migrations or consolidations, starting with prep work that should happen before any migration work is started.

  • Introduction
    • Have you done a migration recently?
  • Non technical migration considerations
    • How have you done this?
  • Types of migrations we've done
    • What has been your most challenging migration?
  • Migration methods
    • What's worked best for you?
  • Scheduled break
  • Group discussion/Ask me anything
Audience requirements:
  • No prior knowledge
  • Some prior knowledge