Running Workshops in 2020: How to Work Together in Isolation

Presented by: Richard Sison, PreviousNext
Level: Novel topic - suits all levels
Length: Full 20 minutes

You may not have been ready for it, but by now we've all experienced what it's like to be a distributed team. And it's challenging.

Not being able to physically share a space has meant that many of us have had to fundamentally change how we work together (especially when it comes to collaborative activities like workshops).

And while the transition to working-from-home has been no walk in the park, what we’ve found is that the these conditions have presented the opportunity to ensure our workshops are structured around more purpose and intent.

In this presentation I will share how embracing working remotely has forced us to be more structured in how we run workshops. The presentation aims to cover our approach to running remote workshops from the goals and phases of the workshops through to the tools we use (with some helpful tips along the way of course!).
